With strict measures in place to contain the spread of coronavirus disease 2019, many have been isolated as suspected or confirmed cases. Being isolated causes much inconvenience for the patients and family. Patients' and next-of-kins' needs and concerns during isolation will be shared together with suggestions for key process improvements. Our hospital's Senior Patient Experience Managers contact all patients admitted to the isolation wards on a daily basis to provide some form of support. Common issues raised were gathered and strategies to help with their needs and concerns were discussed. Being in isolation is a challenging period for both patients and family. Nonetheless, we can implement measures to mitigate against the adverse effects of isolation. Patient education, effective and efficient means of communication, close monitoring for signs of distress and anxiety, and early intervention could help patients cope better with the whole isolation experience. Nursing management may want to consider implementing the measures shared in the article to manage patient's stress while not compromising on staff safety.
Keywords: Anxiety; COVID-19; Care delivery systems; Communicable disease; Infectious disease; Isolation.
©The Author(s) 2020. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.