Ethylene: Its adsorption, reaction, and coking on Pt/h-BN/Rh(111) nanocluster arrays

J Chem Phys. 2020 Jun 14;152(22):224710. doi: 10.1063/5.0011616.


We present well-ordered Pt nanocluster arrays supported on the h-BN/Rh(111) Moiré as a model system for an ethylene dehydrogenation catalyst. Thereby, the h-BN nanomesh serves as a chemically inert eggbox-like template for clusters with a narrow size distribution. The thermal evolution of ethylene is investigated by synchrotron-based high-resolution in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on the Pt nanoclusters. We compare our results with data on Pt(111) and Pt(355). Interestingly, the Pt nanoclusters and Pt(355) behave very similarly. Both open a new reaction pathway via vinylidene in addition to the route via ethylidyne known for Pt(111). Due to the importance of coking in ethylene dehydrogenation on Pt catalysts, we also studied C2H4 adsorption and decomposition on carbon precovered Pt nanoclusters. While the amount of adsorbed ethylene decreases linearly with the carbon coverage, we found that edge sites are more affected than facet sites and that the vinylidene reaction pathway is effectively suppressed by carbon residues.