B-lineage lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD) are rather frequent diseases, associated with specific clinical or biological features but also sometimes of fortuitous discovery. Multiparameter flow cytometry plays a major role for a rapid diagnostic indication, on peripheral blood or bone marrow samples in most instances, guiding complementary analyses and allowing for the proper therapeutic management of patients. After describing the important pre-analytical precautions required for an adequate assessment, the immunophenotypic features of small-cell and large-cell lymphomas are described in this review. The ubiquitous expression of CD19 is a first mandatory gating step. A possible clonal proliferation is then suspected by the demonstration of surface immunoglobulin light chain restriction. The aberrant presence of CD5 allows to segregate chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma in most cases. Other LPD exhibit specific immunophenotypic features. A table of useful markers and a decision tree are provided. Of note, immunophenotypic data should as much as possible be interpreted in an integrated manner, involving the patient's clinical and other biological features, and be completed by further chromosomal and/or molecular investigations.
Keywords: B-cell lymphoma; B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders; Matutes score; flow cytometry; immunophenotype.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.