Eukaryotic in vitro translation systems require large numbers of protein and RNA components and thereby rely on the use of cell extracts. Here we established a new in vitro translation system based on rice callus extract (RCE). We confirmed that RCE maintains its initial activity even after five freeze-thaw cycles and that the optimum temperature for translation is around 20°C. We demonstrated that the RCE system allows the synthesis of hERG, a large membrane protein, in the presence of liposomes. We also showed that the introduction of a bicistronic mRNA based on 2A peptide to RCE allowed the production of two distinct proteins from a single mRNA. Our new method thus facilitates laboratory-scale production of cell extracts, making it a useful tool for the in vitro synthesis of proteins for biochemical studies.
Keywords: Oryza sativa; in vitro protein synthesis; Cell-free translation; callus; rice.