Iatrogenic Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome Caused Because of Inappropriate Length and Positioning of Vascular Graft

Ann Vasc Dis. 2020 Jun 25;13(2):194-197. doi: 10.3400/avd.cr.20-00028.


Iliac vein compression syndrome (IVCS) can occasionally be iatrogenic; however, iatrogenic IVCS cases occurring because of inappropriate length and positioning of vascular grafts have not been reported. We present the case of an 80-year-old woman with iatrogenic IVCS resulting from kinked and overlapping limbs of a bifurcated abdominal vascular prosthesis for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. She complained of discomfort in her left leg immediately after aortic replacement. Venous stenting was effective for IVCS occurring because of compression of the vascular prosthesis. Iatrogenic IVCS occurred because of inappropriate length and positioning of the vascular graft and was considered a postoperative complication.

Keywords: iatrogenic iliac vein compression syndrome; vascular graft; venous stenting.