Survivors after a myocardial infarction (MI), especially those with diabetes mellitus (DM),remain at high risk of further events. Identifying and treating factors that may influence survivalmay open new therapeutic strategies. We assessed the impact on prognosis of DM andhypovitaminosis D (hypovitD), alone or combined. In this prospective, observational study, 1081patients were enrolled surviving an MI and divided into four groups according to their diabetic andVitD status. The primary end-point was composite of all-cause mortality, angina/MI and heartfailure (HF). Secondary outcomes were mortality, HF and angina/MI. During a follow-up of 26.1months (IQR 6.6-64.5), 391 subjects experienced the primary end-point. Patients with DM orhypovitD had similar rate of the composite end-point. Patients with only hypovitD or DM did notdiffer regarding components of composite end-point (angina p = 0.97, HF p = 0.29, mortality p = 0.62).DM and VitD deficiency had similarly adjusted risks for primary end-point (HR 1.3, 95%CI 1.05-1.61; HR 1.3, 95% CI 1.04-1.64). The adjusted HR for primary composite end-point for patients withhypovitD and DM was 1.69 (95%CI 1.25-2.29, p = 0.001) in comparison to patients with neitherhypoD nor DM. In conclusion, DM and hypovitD, individually and synergistically, are associatedwith a worse outcome after MI.
Keywords: MACE; RAAS; angina; diabetes mellitus; heart failure; hypovitaminosis D; mortality; myocardial infarction; prognosis; vitamin D.