Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are important biological molecules that are highly anionic and occur in nature as complex mixtures. A platform that combines capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) separations with mass spectrometry (MS) and gas-phase sequencing by using negative electron transfer dissociation (NETD) is shown to be efficacious for the structural analysis of GAG mixtures. CZE is a separation method well suited to the highly negatively charged nature of GAGs. NETD is an electron-based ion activation method that enables the generation of informative fragments with retention of the labile sulfate half-ester modification that determine specific GAG function. Here we combine for the first time NETD and CZE for assigning the structures of GAG oligomers present in mixtures. The speed of ion activation by NETD is found to couple well with the narrow peaks resulting from CZE migration. The platform was optimized with mixtures of GAG tetrasaccharide standards. The potential of the platform is demonstrated by the analysis of enoxaparin, a complex mixture of low molecular weight heparins, which was separated by CZE within 30 minutes and characterized by NETD MS/MS in one online experiment. 37 unique molecular compositions have been identified in enoxaparin using CZE-MS and 9 structures have been assigned with CZE-NETD-MS/MS.