We report our experience in the treatment of severe Crohn's disease by lymphocytapheresis (LCTPH). Twelve patients with severe Crohn's disease unresponsive to prednisone for two years were treated by twelve sessions of LCTPH over a three-week period. Approximately 4.5 x 10(9) lymphocytes were removed at the end of each session, total lymphocyte removal per patient ranging from 1.9 to 10.7 x 10(8)/kg. Sessions were well tolerated. Clinical improvement was observed in all patients at the end of their LCTPH courses. However only fifty per cent of these patients achieved clinical remission of three months and for two of them the remission lasted 8 and 9 months. We examined the immediate effects of cytapheresis on peripheral blood lymphocytes and monocytes. No correlation was noted between the clinical efficacy of LCTPH and the quantity of lymphocytes (T3, T4, T8, NK) and/or monocytes removed. The only significant change was a partial recovery of NK activity in the good responders. The optimal modalities of depletion and the advantages of this treatment in severe Crohn's disease have to be defined in multicentric controlled studies.