Correction to: Post-discharge prognosis of patients admitted to hospital for heart failure by world region, and national level of income and income disparity (REPORT-HF): a cohort study
1 National Heart Centre Singapore & Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School, Singapore; University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore.
2 National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore.
3 Robertson Centre for Biostatistics and Clinical Trials, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK.
4 University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Medicine I and Comprehensive Heart Failure Center, Würzburg, Germany.
5 Department of Cardiology and Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden.
6 University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore; Department of Dermatology, University of Amsterdam Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
7 University of Bergen, Stavanger University Hospital, Bergen, Norway.
8 Alexandria University, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology Department Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
9 El Cruce Hospital by Florencio Varela, Lezica Cardiovascular Institute, Sanctuary of the Trinidad Miter, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
10 Novartis Pharma, Basel, Switzerland.
11 University of Cyprus, School of Medicine, Cyprus, Greece; School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Attikon University Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
12 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA. Electronic address: [email protected].