You Can Repair More Tears Than You Think-Tricks for All-Inside Lateral Meniscal Repair With Nonabsorbable Sutures

Arthrosc Tech. 2020 Jun 18;9(7):e979-e986. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2020.03.016. eCollection 2020 Jul.


Since the role of the menisci has been better understood, there is a trend toward the meniscal repair rather than meniscectomy in the management of meniscal tears. Although numerous techniques of meniscal repair have been described and many authors advocate for and against each of them, no single method is universally accepted. The all-inside repair provides several advantages, such as a lower risk of neurovascular injury, the early introduction of exercises in passive range of motion, or the high strength of the repair. However, the all-inside meniscal repair with nonabsorbable suture is considered to be a technically demanding procedure with a long learning curve needed to perform it properly. The purpose of this Technical Note is to present the technique of lateral meniscus repair with nonabsorbable sutures and to provide surgical pearls to facilitate this procedure.