Human brain organoids are self-organizing three-dimensional structures that emerge from human pluripotent stem cells and mimic aspects of the cellular composition and functionality of the developing human brain. Despite their impressive self-organizing capacity, organoids lack the stereotypic structural anatomy of their in vivo counterpart, making conventional analysis techniques underpowered to assess cellular composition and gene network regulation in organoids. Advances in single cell transcriptomics have recently allowed characterization and improvement of organoid protocols, as they continue to evolve, by enabling identification of cell types and states along with their developmental origins. In this review, we summarize recent approaches, progresses and challenges in resolving brain organoid's complexity through single-cell transcriptomics. We then discuss emerging technologies that may complement single-cell RNA sequencing by providing additional readouts of cellular states to generate an organ-level view of developmental processes. Altogether, these integrative technologies will allow monitoring of global gene regulation in thousands of individual cells and will offer an unprecedented opportunity to investigate features of human brain development and disease across multiple cellular modalities and with cell-type resolution.
Keywords: Cell states; Cell type; Human brain organoids; Integrative technologies; Multimodal; Single-cell multi-omics; Single-cell transcriptomics.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Ltd.