Effects of a leaflet on breast cancer screening knowledge, explicit attitudes, and implicit associations

Patient Educ Couns. 2020 Jul 2:S0738-3991(20)30350-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.06.032. Online ahead of print.


Objective: To assess the effect of an information leaflet on knowledge, explicit attitudes, implicit associations, and attendance for breast cancer screening.

Methods: Dutch women (aged 49-75 years) were approached three months before their breast cancer screening invitation. After providing informed consent, participants were randomised to receiving the information leaflet (intervention condition) or not (control condition). Screening knowledge, explicit attitudes, and implicit associations were assessed through web-based questionnaires, at baseline and two weeks later. Actual screening attendance data were collected.

Results: In total, 988 women completed both questionnaires. Participants in the leaflet condition scored higher on knowledge (9.9 versus 9.6, p < 0.001, scale 0-11), and more often had positive explicit attitudes (97 % versus 95 %, p = 0.03), than those in the control condition. This contrast was bigger among first-time invitees. Implicit associations were not correlated with explicit attitudes or attendance. Explicit attitudes were moderately correlated with attendance (r=.30, p < 0.001).

Conclusion: The information leaflet led to more knowledge and more positive explicit attitudes. Implicit associations towards breast cancer screening were not correlated with attendance.

Practice implications: Encouragement to learn about the screening programme can increase levels of knowledge of invitees and therefore support their decision-making about participation. This might be especially relevant for first-time invitees.

Keywords: Breast cancer; Health knowledge; Implicit associations; Mass screening; Screening attendance.