A "palm" cubic-anvil pressure cell (PCAC) having an outer diameter of 60 mm, the smallest cubic-anvil cell to date, was fabricated to insert in a large-bore superconducting magnet. The pressure cell has a sample space of ϕ 2.5 × 1.5 mm2, which is fairly large for a pressure cell that can reach a high pressure above 4 GPa. Pressure homogeneity was monitored from the 63Cu nuclear-quadrupole-resonance linewidth of Cu2O up to 6.7 GPa. The linewidth first increased with increasing pressure up to 4 GPa and then saturated above 4 GPa. The pressure homogeneity was better than that of a piston-cylinder pressure cell. The PCAC is advantageous because a large sample space and high pressure homogeneity are secured even at high pressures.