Objectives: to analyze the adequacy of maternal and child-care in prenatal care, childbirth and the puerperal period, in the public health service.
Methods: longitudinal study carried out in a city in Paraná with 357 puerperal women in a public maternity ward, outpatient clinic for immediate puerperal return and home visit 42 days postpartum. Four care domains were grouped (1 - Prenatal, 2 - Maternity, 3 - Immediate puerperal return, 4 - Late puerperal return). Mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of variance were calculated considering adequate assistance when ≥ 70%; and inadequate, inferior.
Results: lowest suitability average in Domain 3 (39.37%) and highest for Domain 4 (74.82%); median of 50.00% at 3 and 76.90% at 4. The largest standard deviation, in Domain 3 (25.18%); and high coefficient of variance for 1 and 3.
Conclusions: in maternal and child follow-up, rates close to adequate in maternity care and higher in late puerperal return, meanwhile prenatal and immediate puerperal return were below the recommended in the health care network.