Nitric oxide (NO) is a key signaling molecule that instigates significant changes in plant metabolic processes and promotes tolerance against various environmental stresses including drought. In this study, we focused on NO-mediated physiological mechanisms and enzymatic activities that influence the nutrient concentrations and yield in maize under drought stress. The drought-tolerant (NK-8711) and sensitive (P-1574) maize hybrids were sown in lysimeter tanks and two levels of water stress (well-watered at100% field capacity and drought stress at 60% field capacity) were applied at three-leaves stage of maize. Foliar treatment of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), the donor of NO was applied at the cob development stage. The results showed that the foliar spray of NO regulated water relations by increasing proline content and improved drought tolerance in water stressed maize plants. In addition, it stimulated the activity of antioxidative enzymes which reduced the production of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. The activities of nitrate assimilation enzymes were considerably increased by NO spray which, in turn, increased nutrient accumulation and yield in maize under water deficit conditions. These results acknowledge the importance of NO as a stress-signaling molecule that positively regulates defense mechanisms in maize to withstand water-limited conditions.
Keywords: Antioxidants; Drought; Maize; Mineral nutrients; Nitrate assimilation; Nitric oxide.
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