MRI has demonstrated clinical applicability and improved diagnostic capability in the musculoskeletal system to a degree rivaling its success in the neurologic system. For certain regions such as the joints, the superficial nature of these structures is ideal for the application of localized radiofrequency coils, enabling considerably improved signal, spatial resolution, and detectable contrast. The multiplanar capability is often invaluable in assessing such regions as the weight-bearing surfaces of the hips. It has been shown to be the most sensitive single test for diagnosing avascular necrosis, and has yielded very high resolution images of the internal architecture of the joints and soft tissues in an entirely noninvasive manner and without the need for the administration of exogenous contrast agents. Short TE images are quite useful in evaluating fatty background regions of interest, such as the bone marrow and subcutaneous tissue, whereas long TR and TE studies are frequently more suitable for soft tissue pathology. The lack of ionizing radiation and the continued failure of intensive research to disclose any deleterious effects at the levels used for clinical diagnostic imaging make this tool especially appealing for application to the pediatric population. With the continual development of new pulsing sequences, contrast agents, and further advances in imaging/spectroscopic correlation, magnetic resonance imaging of the musculoskeletal system is ensured of a solid role in the clinical diagnostic evaluation of the pediatric population.