The treatment of biliary atresia (BA) is predominantly surgical with firstly an attempt at restoration of bile flow from the native liver by wide excision of the obstructed, obliterated extrahepatic biliary tree to the level of the porta hepatis and a portoenterostomy using a long Roux loop-Kasai portoenterostomy (KPE). Liver transplantation is reserved for those that fail this and for those where surgery is considered futile for reasons of age or stage of disease. As the aetiology of BA remains ill-defined, so adjuvant treatment has been largely based on pragmatism, trial and error. Systematic analysis of the few randomized placebo-controlled trial data and less well-controlled cohort studies have suggested benefit from post-operative high-dose steroids and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) while the benefit of long-term prophylactic antibiotics, bile acid sequestrants (e.g., colestyramine) or probiotics remains unproven. Newer modalities such as antiviral therapy (AVT), immunoglobulin, FXR agonists (e.g., obeticholic acid), ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) antagonists (e.g., maralixibat) remain unproven. This article reviews the current evidence for the efficacy of adjuvant medical therapy in BA.
Keywords: Biliary atresia (BA); adjuvant therapy; cholangitis; corticosteroids; ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA).
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