Immunohistochemical studies of the chick columella have shown that the extracellular matrix of this ossicular cartilage template is composed largely of type II collagen. As development proceeds, synthesis of type X collagen, a hypertrophic cartilage-specific molecule, is initiated by endochondral chondrocytes within the zone of cartilage cell hypertrophy. Subsequently, these cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix are removed, resulting in marrow cavity formation. We have examined which of these processes are programmed within the columella chondrocytes themselves, and which require involvement of exogenous factors. Prehypertrophic columella from 12-day chick embryos were grown either in organ culture on Nuclepore filters or as explants on the chorioallantoic membrane of host embryos. Chondrocytes from the same source were grown in monolayer cell cultures. In both organ culture and cell culture, chondrocytes developed to the stage at which some of them entered the hypertrophic program and initiated the production of type X collagen as determined by immunofluorescence histochemistry with a monoclonal antibody specific for that collagen type. The organ cultures, however, did not progress to the next stage, in which detectable removal of the type X collagen-containing matrix occurs. When identical columella were grown on the chorioallantoic membrane of host chicks, the type X collagen-containing matrix which formed was rapidly removed, resulting in the formation of a marrow cavity. Thus, progression of endochondral chondrocytes to the deposition of type X collagen-containing matrix seems to be programmed within the cells themselves. Subsequent removal of this matrix requires the involvement of exogenous factors.