Introduction: To evaluate the European trend regarding the availability of surgical simulators and to propose a novel index to easily track this trend.
Material and methods: During European Urology Residents Education Program, from 2014 to 2018, residents were asked through an anonymous survey about the availability of specific simulator training boxes at their department. The Simulator Availability Index (SAI) was made by the ratio between the number of departments with at least one box trainer and the total number of departments evaluated.
Results: The SAI decreased in five years from 0.47 to 0.41 for laparoscopic trainers, while the already low initial SAI (0.17) decreased by up to 0.05 in four years for both ureteroscopy (URS) and transurethral resection (TUR) trainers.
Conclusions: A self-analysis may be advisable in order to improve the spread of information and investigate whether any specific reasons may be responsible for this trend. The SAI might be a simple but useful tool to monitor and evaluate this trend in the context of national training plans.
Keywords: endourology; laparoscopy; residents; simulators; training; urology.
Copyright by Polish Urological Association.