The distribution of six blood group-related antigens, A, B, H, Lea, Leb and sialylated Lea antigens, in the intrahepatic biliary tree was studied. These carbohydrate antigens in fixed normal liver tissues were immunostained with the use of highly specific monoclonal antibodies in an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. Bile ducts expressed both ABH and Lewis blood group antigens. However, only Lewis blood group antigens could be detected in the bile ductules. Canaliculo-ductular junctions could be clearly delineated with the anti-Lewis blood group antibodies, especially with anti-Lea antibody. Small Lewis antigen-positive cells were scattered intralobularly. They were adjacent to parenchymal liver cells, mainly in Rappaport zone 1, and apparently in continuity with the portal biliary tree. Sialylated Lea antigen was found in some septal bile ducts. No blood group antigen could be detected in the bile canaliculi. These results indicate that (1) biliary tract of a given size has its own pattern of blood group antigen expression, and (2) biliary epithelial cells are not identical with regard to the phenotypic expression of their structural carbohydrates. In future, it will be possible to classify biliary epithelial cells by their blood group antigen expression.