Objective:To explore the role of palatovaginal canal and sphenopalatine artery in the localization of pterygoid canal during pterygoid neurotomy. Method:55 patients with or without nasal polyps were divided into two groups: group A(twenty-nine cases, anterior wall approach of sphenoid sinus) and group B(twenty-six cases, middle nasal meatus approach). All patients underwent unilateral vidian neurectomy under nasal endoscope. The vidian canal was located by palatal canal and sphenopalatine artery in group A and B, respectively. Result:The vidian canal was located successfully in all patients, with small wound, fast postoperative recovering. There was no irreversible complication. Conclusion:The relationship between the palatovaginal canal, sphenopalatine artery and the external orifice of vidian canal is constant, which can be used as an anatomical marker of vidian neurotomy.
目的:探讨腭鞘管及蝶腭动脉在翼管神经切断术中定位翼管的作用。 方法:中重度持续性变应性鼻炎伴或不伴鼻息肉患者55例,根据手术径路不同分为A组(蝶窦前壁入路)29例和B组(中鼻道入路)26例,均于鼻内镜下行单侧翼管神经切断术。A组于蝶窦前壁,以腭鞘管定位翼管;B组于中鼻道,以蝶腭动脉定位翼管。 结果:所有患者均顺利找到翼管,创伤小,术后愈合快,无不可逆的并发症。 结论:腭鞘管及蝶腭动脉与翼管外口位置关系恒定,可作为翼管神经切断术的解剖标志。.
Keywords: endoscopic surgical procedures; palatovaginal canal; rhinitis, allergic; sphenopalatine artery; vidian canal.
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