Time-resolved characterization of ultrafast electrons in intense laser and metallic-dielectric target interaction

Opt Lett. 2020 Aug 15;45(16):4420-4423. doi: 10.1364/OL.393503.


High-intensity ultrashort laser pulses interacting with thin solid targets are able to produce energetic ion beams by means of extremely large accelerating fields set by the energetic ejected electrons. The characterization of such electrons is thus important in view of a complete understanding of the acceleration process. Here, we present a complete temporal-resolved characterization of the fastest escaping hot electron component for different target materials and thicknesses, using temporal diagnostics based on electro-optical sampling with 100 fs temporal resolution. Experimental evidence of scaling laws for ultrafast electron beam parameters have been retrieved with respect to the impinging laser energy (0.4-4 J range) and to the target material, and an empirical law determining the beam parameters as a function of the target thickness is presented.