Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide. Generally, the levels of fasting or postprandial blood glucose and other biomarkers, such as glycated albumin, glycated hemoglobin, and 1,5-anhydroglucitol, are used to diagnose or monitor diabetes progression. In the present study, we developed a sensor to simultaneously detect the glucose levels and glycation ratios of human serum albumin using a lateral flow assay. Based on the specific enzymatic reactions and immunoassays, a spiked glucose solution, total human serum albumin, and glycated albumin were measured simultaneously. To test the performance of the developed sensor, clinical serum samples from healthy subjects and patients with diabetes were analyzed. The glucose level and glycation ratios of the clinical samples were determined with reasonable correlation. The R-squared values of glucose level and glycation ratio measurements were 0.932 and 0.930, respectively. The average detection recoveries of the sensor were 85.80% for glucose and 98.32% for the glycation ratio. The glucose level and glycation ratio in our results were crosschecked with reference diagnostic values of diabetes. Based on the outcomes of the present study, we propose that this novel platform can be utilized for the simultaneous detection of glucose and glycation ratios to diagnose and monitor diabetes mellitus.