Objective: To investigate the nutritional recovery status of children with moderate or severe malnutrition during hospitalization after discharge.
Methods: The children with moderate or severe malnutrition were given nutrition support during hospitalization. They received a regular follow-up and nutrition guidance after discharge. The weight-for-age and height-for-age Z-scores reaching above -2 SD were considered the nutrition criterion for ending follow-up.
Results: Among the 298 children with moderate or severe malnutrition, 174 (58.4%) reached the criterion for ending follow-up, 100 (33.6%) were lost to follow-up, 18 (6.0%) died, and 6 (2.0%) did not reach the criterion for ending follow-up after 18 months of follow-up. The children with malnutrition in the department of surgery had a significantly higher proportion of children reaching the criterion for ending follow-up than those in the department of internal medicine (P<0.05). The children with severe malnutrition had a significantly higher loss to follow-up rate than those with moderate nutrition (P<0.05). The majority of children with emaciation reached the criterion for ending follow-up at month 3 after discharge, while those with growth retardation reached such the criterion at months 3-6 after discharge. Up to 1 year after discharge, more than 80% of the children with different types of malnutrition reached the nutrition criterion for ending follow-up.
Conclusions: Most of the children with malnutrition who adhere to follow-up can reach the expected nutrition criterion within 1 year after discharge. The children with growth retardation have slower nutritional recovery than those with emaciation.
目的: 了解住院期间存在中度、重度营养不良的儿童出院后营养恢复状况。
方法: 住院期间给予中度或重度营养不良的患儿营养支持治疗,并进行定期出院后随访及营养指导。以患儿年龄别体重及年龄别身高Z评分均>-2SD作为结束随访的营养目标。
结果: 入选中度或重度营养不良患儿共298名,其中174例(58.4%)达到结束随访标准,失访100例(33.6%),死亡18例(6.0%),随访18个月仍未达结束随访标准者6例(2.0%)。外科重度营养不良患儿中达到结束随访标准的比例高于内科(P < 0.05),重度营养不良患儿失访率高于中度营养不良患儿(P < 0.05)。消瘦患儿达到结束随访标准的高峰期为出院后3个月,生长迟缓患儿为出院后3~6个月。到出院后1年,各型营养不良患儿达到结束随访标准的比例均超过80%。
结论: 坚持随访的营养不良患儿大部分在出院后1年内可达到预期营养目标,生长迟缓患儿的营养恢复较消瘦患儿慢。