Objective: To examine the positive predictive value (PPV) of cfDNA screening for sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCA) in a large series of over 90 000 patients.
Methods: Retrospective study based on samples that were sent to Cenata, a private laboratory which uses the Harmony Prenatal Test. The SCA high-risk results were stratified according to the method of diagnostic testing and according to karyotype result.
Results: The study population consisted of 144 cases. The CfDNA test indicated monosomy X, XXX, XXY, and XYY in 62, 37, 40, and 5 cases, respectively. The overall PPV was 38.9% (30.9-47.4), 29.0% (18.2-42.9) for monosomy X, 29.7% (15.9-47.9) for 47,XXX, 57.5% (40.9-73.0) for 47,XXY, and 80.0% (28.4-99.5) for 47,XYY). A total of 112 (77.8%) women with a high-risk result for SCAs opted for prenatal karyotyping. In this group, there were significant differences in the PPV if the karyotype was assessed by amniocentesis or by CVS: 29.5% vs 50.0%. This significant difference was driven by the monosomy X result which shows a significantly higher PPV in CVS (54.6% (23.4-83.3) vs 17.1% (6.6-33.6)). For the other SCAs, the differences were not significant.
Conclusion: PPV of an abnormal cfDNA test for SCAs is low, particularly for monosomy X. The confirmation rate depends on the type of confirmatory test.
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