This study aims to determine the frequency and causes of cochlear explants with re-implantation (ERI) after 5 years' follow up of the patients included in the French national EPIIC (étude post-inscription des implants cochléaires) registry tracking patients with cochlear implantation. This multicenter, descriptive prospective study was conducted on 5051 patients enrolled in the EPIIC database between January 2012 and December 2016. Ninety-five patients (1.9%) received a primary implant and an ERI during the study. Of these, four benefitted from two ERIs. The number of ERIs was significantly higher in the pediatric population than among adults. The explantation and reimplantation were performed simultaneously in 86% of cases. The reasons for explantation were: in 46.4% of cases linked to a malfunction of the implant, and in 39.3% of cases for medical or surgical reasons. The number of electrodes inserted was significantly higher after the ERI than after the first implantation. There was just one post-ERI infection for these 95 explanted and re-implanted patients. As well as explantation with reimplantation rarely being necessary, it generally presents no major surgical difficulty and in most cases it allows a better integration than in the first implantation.
Keywords: Cochlear implant; Explantation; Registry; Reimplantation.
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