This study used a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panel to characterise the diversity in the major histocompatibility complex B region (MHC-B) in 12 chicken populations in Korea. Samples were genotyped for 96 MHC-B SNPs using an Illumina GoldenGate genotyping assay. The MHC-B SNP haplotypes were predicted using 58 informative SNPs and a coalescence-based Bayesian algorithm implemented by the PHASE program and a manual curation process. In total, 117 haplotypes, including 24 shared and 93 unique haplotypes, were identified. The unique haplotype numbers ranged from 0 in Rhode Island Red to 32 in the Korean native commercial chicken population 2 ("Hanhyup-3ho"). Population and haplotype principal component analysis (PCA) indicated no clear population structure based on the MHC haplotypes. Three haplotype clusters (A, B, C) segregated in these populations highlighted the relationship between the haplotypes in each cluster. The sequences from two clusters (B and C) overlapped, whereas the sequences from the third cluster (A) were very different. Overall, native breeds had high genetic diversity in the MHC-B region compared with the commercial breeds. This highlights their immune capabilities and genetic potential for resistance to many different pathogens.
Keywords: Chicken; Haplotype; MHC-B; SNP.