Objective: To understand the use of drug and its related factors among men who have sex with men, and to provide reference for the development of reasonable intervention measures. Methods: MSM was recruited from Jinan and Qingdao by means of on-site and internet recruiting from March to June in 2016. Anonymous questionnaires were conducted and HIV and syphilis serological tests were performed. The questionnaire included the general situation, sexual behavior, HIV related services and so on. Multi-factor unconditioned logistic regression model was used to explore related factors about rush poppers use. Results: The rush poppers use rate of 901 MSM was 30.1%(271/901), the age was (29.3±8.1) years, the HIV infection rate was 4.6% (41/901) and the syphilis infection rate was 8.7% (78/901). Multivariate analysis showed that compared with those who were>25 years old, the OR (95%CI) of those who were ≤ 25 years old was 1.571 (1.110-2.224); compared with the number of anal sexual behavior was<2 times in the last week, the OR (95%CI) of those whose number of anal sexual behavior was ≥2 times was 2.991 (1.100-8.132); compared with those who had not received peer education services in the last year, the OR (95%CI) of those who received peer education services was 13.651 (7.239-25.742). Conclusion: Rush poppers are very popular in the MSM crowd, and those who aged less than 25 years old, who had anal sex more than twice in the past week, and who had received peer education services were more likely to use rush poppers. We should carry out targeted interventions according to the characteristics.
目的: 分析济南和青岛市男男性行为人群(MSM)rush poppers使用情况及其相关因素。 方法: 于2016年3—6月,采用现场招募、网络招募等方式从济南和青岛市招募MSM,共901名,对其进行匿名问卷调查,并进行HIV、梅毒血清学检测。问卷内容包括一般状况、性行为状况、HIV相关服务情况等。采用多因素二分类非条件logistic回归模型分析MSM rush poppers使用情况。 结果: 调查对象年龄为(29.3±8.1)岁,rush poppers使用率为30.1%(271名),HIV感染率为4.6%(41例),梅毒感染率为8.7%(78例)。多因素分析结果显示,与年龄>25岁者相比,年龄≤25岁者使用rush poppers的OR(95%CI)值为1.571(1.110~2.224);与最近1周发生肛交性行为次数≤2次者相比,>2次者使用rush poppers的OR(95%CI)值为2.991(1.100~8.132);与最近1年未接受过同伴教育服务者相比,接受过同伴教育服务者使用rush poppers的OR(95%CI)值为13.651(7.239~25.742)。 结论: rush poppers在济南和青岛市MSM中较为流行,年龄≤25岁者、近1周发生肛交性行为次数>2次者、接受过同伴教育服务者rush poppers使用率高,需要根据该特点开展有针对性的干预措施。.
Keywords: Cross-sectional studies; HIV; Men who have sex with men; Rush poppers.