Objective: To describe elements of vulnerabilities and clinical manifestations of the victims of scorpionism in Santarem-Pará.
Method: Quantitative and qualitative study with a theoretical framework of Twenty-eight patients stung by scorpions were interviewed by applying a semi-structured instrument. Data were analyzed according to the technique of discourse analysis.
Results: Seventeen patients (60.7%) were male and eight (28.6%) were illiterate. Twenty-two (78.5%) patients were small farmers. This study revealed that these patients had an important individual, social and programmatic vulnerability. Interviews revealed limited knowledge about prevention and first aid after the envenomation. Programmatic vulnerability is highlighted because there is difficulty in accessing health services due to the great geographical extension of the Amazon region and also a lack of experience of the health care workers in caring for scorpion sting victims.
Conclusion: This research accurately reveals previously described neuromuscular and sensory nervous system disorders in these victims of scorpionism. As far as we know, this is the first study that addresses the vulnerability of scorpionism using qualitative methodology.