Introduction: France is known for its conservative and unique position in assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). At the eve of the future revision of French Bioethics laws, we decided to conduct a national survey to examine the opinions of French specialists in ARTs about social issues.
Material and methods: Descriptive study conducted in May 2017 in a university teaching hospital using an anonymous online questionnaire on current issues in ARTs. The questionnaire was sent by email to 650 French ARTs specialists, both clinicians and embryologists.
Results: After 3 reminders, 408 responses were collected resulting in a participation rate of 62.7% (408/650). Concerning pre-implantation genetic testing, 80% of the physicians were in favor of expanding the indications, which in France are presently limited to incurable genetic diseases. Authorizing elective Fertility Preservation was supported by 93.4% of the specialists, but without social coverage for 86.3% of them. Concerning gamete donation, 77.4% of the French ARTs specialists were in favor of giving a financial compensation to donors, 92% promoted preserving their anonymity and 80.9% were against a directed donation. ARTs for single heterosexual women were supported by 63.4% of the French specialists and by 72.5% for lesbian couples. The legalization of surrogacy was requested by 55.2%.
Discussion: Pending the revision of the French Bioethics laws, this survey provides an overview of the opinion of the specialists in ARTs on expanding ARTs for various social indications.Because of the evolution of social values, a more liberal and inclusive ART program is desired by the majority of ART specialists in France.
Keywords: Bioethics; Elective oocyte cryopreservation; France; Gamete donation; Lesbian couples; Single women.
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