Antiferromagnetism, spin-glass state, H-T phase diagram, and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Co2RuO4

J Phys Condens Matter. 2020 Sep 8;32(48). doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aba6a6.


Static and dynamic magnetic properties of normal spinel Co2RuO4= (Co2+)A[Co3+Ru3+]BO4are reported based on our investigations of the temperature (T), magnetic field (H) and frequency (f) dependence of the ac-magnetic susceptibilities and dc-magnetization (M) covering the temperature rangeT= 2 K-400 K and H up to 90 kOe. These investigations show that Co2RuO4exhibits an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition atTN∼ 15.2 K, along with a spin-glass state at slightly lower temperature (TSG) near 14.2 K. It is argued thatTNis mainly governed by the ordering of the spins of Co2+ions occupying theA-site, whereas the exchange interaction between the Co2+ions on theA-site and randomly distributed Ru3+on theB-site triggers the spin-glass phase, Co3+ions on theB-site being in the low-spin non-magnetic state. Analysis of measurements ofM(H,T) forT<TNare used to construct theH-Tphase diagram showing thatTSGshifts to lowerTvarying as H2/3.2expected for spin-glass state whereasTNis nearlyH-independent. ForT>TN, analysis of the paramagnetic susceptibility (χ) vs.Tdata are fit to the modified Curie-Weiss law,χ=χ0+C/(T+θ), withχ0= 0.0015 emu mol-1Oe-1yieldingθ= 53 K andC= 2.16 emu-K mol-1Oe-1, the later yielding an effective magnetic momentμeff= 4.16μBcomparable to the expected value ofμeff= 4.24μBper Co2RuO4. UsingTN,θand high temperature series forχ, dominant exchange constantJ1/kB∼ 6 K between the Co2+on theA-sites is estimated. Analysis of the ac magnetic susceptibilities nearTSGyields the dynamical critical exponent= 5.2 and microscopic spin relaxation timeτ0∼ 1.16 × 10-10sec characteristic of cluster spin-glasses and the observed time-dependence ofM(t) is supportive of the spin-glass state. LargeM-Hloop asymmetry at low temperatures with giant exchange bias effect (HEB∼ 1.8 kOe) and coercivity (HC∼ 7 kOe) for a field cooled sample further support the mixed magnetic phase nature of this interesting spinel. The negative magnetocaloric effect observed belowTNis interpreted to be due to the AFM and SG ordering. It is argued that the observed change from positive MCE (magnetocaloric effect) forT>TNto inverse MCE forT<TNobserved in Co2RuO4(and reported previously in other systems also) is related to the change in sign of (∂M/∂T) vs.Tdata.

Keywords: antiferromagnetism; exchange bias; spin-glass state.