Photo-magnetic imaging (PMI) is an emerging optical imaging modality that showed great performance on providing absorption maps with high resolution and quantitative accuracy. As a multi-modality technology, PMI warms up the imaged object using a near infrared laser while temperature variation is measured using magnetic resonance imaging. By probing tissue at multiple wavelengths, concentration of the main tissue chromophores such as oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, lipid, and water are obtained then used to derive functional parameters such as total hemoglobin concentration and relative oxygen saturation. In this paper, we present a multi-wavelength PMI system that was custom-built to host five different laser wavelengths. After recovering the high-resolution absorption maps, a least-squared minimization process was used to resolve the different chromophore concentration. The performance of the system was experimentally tested on a phantom with two different dyes. Their concentrations were successfully assessed with high spatial resolution and average accuracy of nearly 80%.
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