The objective of this work was to determine the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle in Valle de Lerma, province of Salta, Argentina, and the risk factors associated with the disease. Serum samples were taken from 40 cows in each dairy herd, which were analyzed by indirect ELISA to detect antibodies against N. caninum. Chronic and acute infections were discriminated by measuring the avidity of these antibodies. All the herds exhibited at least one seropositive animal, the mean being 35.3 ± 14.9% of positive animals. Specific antibodies were also detected in dogs present in 9of the herds, which showed a seropositivity value of 71.7% ± 19.9%. Among the seropositive animals, 56.3% showed acute infections. A negative association was found between seroprevalence and the avidity index of specific antibodies, indicating that the presence of animals with acute infections is associated with higher seroprevalence. Fields with grazing showed more recent infections. These results show for the first time the importance of this parasite in this particular region and the need to promote the development of control programs considering the different risk factors that affect the epidemiological situation of the disease.
Keywords: Argentinean Northwest; Canid; Cánido; Dairy cattle; Neospora caninum; Noroeste argentino; Seroprevalence; Seroprevalencia; Vacas lecheras.
Copyright © 2020 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.