Characteristic deposition of C3 has been reported in type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Immunofluorescence microscopy shows diffuse granular deposition of C3 along the majority of capillary loops with lobular pattern. To determine the specificity of this immunofluorescence finding which might aid in distinction between type 1 MPGN, particularly focal MPGN, and the other glomerulopathies, 530 renal biopsies from 437 children were studied retrospectively. Nineteen patients showed diffuse granular deposits of C3 along the capillary walls with lobular distribution. Three patients had lupus nephritis. Nine patients showed the light microscopic changes of diffuse type I MPGN with the characteristic double-walled capillaries. Six patients showed the changes of focal MPGN, and 1 had diffuse mesangial proliferation but without double contours, and they were regarded as examples of a mild or early form of MPGN. A similar deposition of C3 was not seen in the 418 patients with other conditions. We concluded that diffuse granular deposits of C3 along the capillary walls with a lobular distribution appear to be confined to type I MPGN and lupus nephritis and are seen in all patients with diffuse and focal type I MPGN.