[Surveillance of malaria vectors in Anhui Province from 2016 to 2018]

Zhongguo Xue Xi Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi. 2020 Aug 11;32(4):389-392. doi: 10.16250/j.32.1374.2020040.
[Article in Chinese]


Objective: To understand the population distribution, density, seasonal fluctuation and nocturnal activity of malaria vectors in Anhui Province from 2016 to 2018, so as to provide a data support for formulating the control strategy for imported malaria during the malaria post-elimination stage.

Methods: The malaria vectors were monitored in 105 counties (cities or districts) of Anhui Province from 2016 to 2018, and the population density, seasonal fluctuation and nocturnal activity of the mosquitoes were observed using the lamp trapping and human bait trapping methods. The density of Anopheles mosquitoes was compared among different years, regions and mosquito-capturing sites.

Results: Anopheles mosquitoes were captured in 103 counties (cities or districts) of Anhui Province during the period from 2016 to 2018, and a total of 32 494 mosquitoes were captured using the lamp trapping method and 36 228 captured using the human bait trapping method. All captured mosquitoes were morphologically identified as Anopheles sinensis, and no An. anthropophagus was found. The density of An. sinensis peaked from June to August, and the peak nocturnal activity was found during the period between 19∶00 and 23∶00. Among all mosquito-capturing sites, the highest mosquito density was seen in the livestock and poultry sheds (H = 18.835, P < 0.05). The density of An. sinensis varied significantly in regions in 2016 and 2017 (H = 16.655 and 11.566, P < 0.01), and a low density was found in north of the Huai River.

Conclusions: An. sinensis is widely distributed in Anhui Province, which is the currently predominant malaria vector in the province. During the malaria post-elimination stage, the malaria vector monitoring should be intensified and vector control interventions should be timely adopted in epidemic foci of Anhui Province to prevent the local re-transmission of overseas imported malaria.

[摘要] 目的 了解2016-2018年安徽省传疟媒介种群分布、密度、季节消长及夜间活动规律, 为消除疟疾后阶段输入 性疟疾防控策略的制定提供参考。方法 2016-2018年, 在安徽省105个县 (市、区) 采用诱蚊灯全通宵捕蚊法和室外双 帐人饵全通宵诱捕法开展传疟媒介蚊种监测, 比较不同时间、不同地区和不同捕蚊场所按蚊密度。结果 2016-2018 年, 安徽省105个县 (市、区) 中有103个县 (市、区) 捕获到按蚊, 其中灯诱法捕获32 494只、人诱法捕获36 228只。所有捕 获按蚊经形态学鉴定均为中华按蚊, 未发现嗜人按蚊。中华按蚊密度高峰为6-8月, 夜间活动高峰为19∶00-23∶00。不 同捕蚊场所中, 以畜禽棚按蚊密度最高 (H = 18.835, P < 0.05)。2016和2017年不同地区中华按蚊密度均存在差异 (H = 16.655、11.566, P 均< 0.01), 淮河以北地区中华按蚊密度较低。结论 中华按蚊在安徽省广泛分布, 是当前安徽省最主 要的传疟媒介。在消除疟疾后阶段, 应加强安徽省媒介监测, 在疫点及时采取媒介控制措施, 防止出现境外输入性疟疾 本地再传播。.

Keywords: Anhui Province; Anopheles mosquito; Malaria; Surveillance.

MeSH terms

  • Animal Distribution
  • Animals
  • Anopheles* / parasitology
  • China
  • Malaria* / parasitology
  • Malaria* / transmission
  • Mosquito Vectors* / parasitology
  • Population Density
  • Seasons