The neuropathologic and pathophysiological relationship of specific to more generalized cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD) remains incompletely understood. This issue was examined in a study of 39 patients with PD, utilizing standardized clinical measures, computerized neuropsychological tests, and quantitative computed tomography. Disorders of visuospatial discrimination and perceptual-motor function closely paralleled motor scores, suggesting a common neuropathologic basis. Caudate nuclear and mesocortical dopamine depletion play a role in this context. More generalized cognitive dysfunction occurred in older patients with a somewhat longer disease duration, more advanced parkinsonism, and computed tomographic evidence of subcortical and frontal cortical atrophy but without significant cerebral atrophy when compared with age-matched controls. Further prospective clinicopathologic studies will be required to clarify the relative contribution of the primary dopaminergic dysfunction, age-related changes, Alzheimer-type pathologic condition, and other coexisting neurotransmitter deficits to the dementia seen in PD.