A retrospective study of HLA immunization profile before a first graft of unrelated kidney in 212 immunized recipients (with an initial peak greater than or equal to 25%) shows that one can define at least 3 groups of responder with a different graft outcome. Recipients with either weak or strong variance of HLA antibody (VP) before graft (group I: VP less than 230 and group III: VP greater than 830) have a significantly lower graft survival: 54% (p = 0.006) and 45% (p = 0.002) respectively at 4 years, than recipients of group II (230 less than VP less than 830) for whom the prognosis is of 77% after the same time period. If similar results are observed on independent series, VP would be of a great interest for the definition of a new classification of responders, and on a practical level for the choice of renal transplant.