Oral health care for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: perceptions of parents and caregivers

Cien Saude Colet. 2020 Oct;25(10):3773-3784. doi: 10.1590/1413-812320202510.27972018. Epub 2019 Feb 13.
[Article in Portuguese, English]


The aim was to evaluate the oral health care of children/adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CP) according to severity through the perceptions of parents/caregivers. A case series study was conducted at health services in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil with 94 mothers/caregivers of subjects with CP from 5 and 18 years old. Sociodemographic factors, oral health care and use of dental services (DS) were evaluated. The Gross Motor Function Classification System showed 67% with severe motor impairment. Subjects with severe CP had significantly higher frequencies of belonging to families with lower income (89%, p < 0.001), living in the interior (44%, p < 0.005), having transportation difficulties (60%, p = 0.04), difficulty regarding access to DS (88%, p = 0.009) and a greater need for oral hygiene (67%, p = 0.008), which was performed exclusively by the caregiver (94%, p < 0.001). Despite identified access barriers, dental care was facilitated for those with severe CP, early DS use, but low availability of dentists and low degree of humanization were cited as major problems. These results reveal problems related to daily oral health care, family living context, institutional support and quality of DS that should be addressed in comprehensive, inclusive, equitable social and economic public policies.

Objetivou-se avaliar os cuidados em saúde bucal de crianças/adolescentes com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) segundo a gravidade, através da percepção dos pais/cuidadores. Estudo série de casos realizado em serviços de saúde de Pernambuco com 94 mães/cuidadores de sujeitos com PC entre 5 e 18 anos. Avaliaram-se fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos, cuidados em saúde bucal e uso de serviços odontológicos (SO). O Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa mostrou 67% com comprometimento motor grave. Indivíduos com PC grave tiveram frequência significantemente maior de pertencerem a famílias com renda mais baixa (89%, p < 0,001), residirem no interior (44%, p < 0,005), terem dificuldades de transporte (60%, p = 0,04) e acessibilidade aos SO (88%, p = 0,009) e maior necessidade de higiene bucal (67%, p = 0,008) realizada pelas mães (94%, p < 0,001). Apesar das barreiras de acesso aos SO, o mesmo foi facilitado para aqueles com PC grave, com uso precoce dos SO, mas com baixa oferta de dentistas e de humanização. Esses resultados informam problemas relacionados aos cuidados diários em saúde bucal, contexto de vida das famílias, de apoio institucional e de qualidade dos SO a serem enfrentados com políticas públicas socioeconômicas e de saúde integrais inclusivas e equânimes.

MeSH terms

  • Adolescent
  • Brazil
  • Caregivers*
  • Cerebral Palsy*
  • Child
  • Child, Preschool
  • Delivery of Health Care
  • Humans
  • Oral Health
  • Parents
  • Perception