Despite their important role in metastatic disease, no general method to detect circulating stromal cells (CStCs) exists. Here, we present the Metabolic Assay-Chip (MA-Chip) as a label-free, droplet-based microfluidic approach allowing single-cell extracellular pH measurement for the detection and isolation of highly metabolically active cells (hm-cells) from the tumor microenvironment. Single-cell mRNA-sequencing analysis of the hm-cells from metastatic prostate cancer patients revealed that approximately 10% were canonical EpCAM+ hm-CTCs, 3% were EpCAM- hm-CTCs with up-regulation of prostate-related genes, and 87% were hm-CStCs with profiles characteristic for cancer-associated fibroblasts, mesenchymal stem cells, and endothelial cells. Kaplan-Meier analysis shows that metastatic prostate cancer patients with more than five hm-cells have a significantly poorer survival probability than those with zero to five hm-cells. Thus, prevalence of hm-cells is a prognosticator of poor outcome in prostate cancer, and a potentially predictive and therapy response biomarker for agents cotargeting stromal components and preventing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
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