Background: BK-SE36 is blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate that is undergoing clinical trials. Here, the safety and immunogenicity of BK-SE36 with a novel adjuvant, CpG-ODN(K3) (thus, BK-SE36/CpG) was assessed in a phase 1a trial in Japan.
Methods: An investigator-initiated, randomised, single-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study was conducted at Osaka University Hospital with 26 healthy malaria naïve Japanese male adults. The trial was conducted in two stages: Stage/Group 1, half-dose (n = 7 for BK-SE36/CpG and n = 3 for control) and Stage/Group 2, full-dose (n = 11 for BK-SE36/CpG and n = 5 for control). There were two intramuscular vaccinations 21 days apart for both half-dose (0.5 ml: 50 µg SE36 + 500 µg aluminum + 500 µg K3) and full-dose (1.0 ml: 100 µg SE36 + 1000 µg aluminum + 1000 µg K3). A one-year follow-up was done to monitor changes in autoimmune markers and vaccine-induced antibody response.
Results: BK-SE36/CpG was well tolerated. Vaccination site reactions were similar to those observed with BK-SE36. During the trial and follow-up period, no subject had clinical evidence of autoimmune disease. The full-dose group had significantly higher titres than the half-dose group (Student's t-test, p = 0.002) at 21 days post-second vaccination. Antibody titres remained above baseline values during 12 months of follow-up. The vaccine induced antibody was mostly composed of IgG1 and IgM, and recognised epitopes close to the polyserine region located in the middle of SE36.
Conclusions: BK-SE36/CpG has an acceptable safety profile. Use of CpG-ODN(K3) greatly enhanced immunogenicity in malaria naïve Japanese adults when compared to BK-SE36 alone. The utility of BK-SE36/CpG is currently under evaluation in a malaria endemic setting in West Africa.
Trial registration: JMACCT Clinical Trial Registry JMA-IIA00109.
Keywords: BK-SE36; BK-SE36/CpG; CpG-ODN(K3); Malaria blood-stage vaccine; Plasmodium falciparum; SERA5.
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