Mouse kidney parvovirus (MKPV), also known as murine chapparvovirus (MuCPV), is an emerging, highly infectious agent that has been isolated from laboratory and wild mouse populations. In immunocompromised mice, MKPV produces severe chronic interstitial nephropathy and renal failure within 4 to 5 months of infection. However, the course of disease, severity of histologic lesions, and viral shedding are uncertain for immunocompetent mice. We evaluated MKPV infections in CD-1 and Swiss Webster mice, 2 immunocompetent stocks of mice. MKPV-positive CD-1 mice (n = 30) were identified at approximately 8 weeks of age by fecal PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and were subsequently housed individually for clinical observation and diagnostic sampling. Cage swabs, fecal pellets, urine, and blood were evaluated by PCR at 100 and 128 days following the initial positive test, which identified that 28 of 30 were persistently infected and 24 of these were viremic at 100 days. Histologic lesions associated with MKPV in CD-1 (n = 31) and Swiss mice (n = 11) included lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis with tubular degeneration. Inclusion bodies were rare; however, intralesional MKPV mRNA was consistently detected via in situ hybridization within tubular epithelial cells of the renal cortex and within collecting duct lumina. In immunocompetent CD-1 mice, MKPV infection resulted in persistent shedding of virus for up to 10 months and a mild tubulointerstitial nephritis, raising concerns that this virus could produce study variations in immunocompetent models. Intranuclear inclusions were not a consistent feature of MKPV infection in immunocompetent mice.
Keywords: PCR; emerging infectious disease; histopathology; mouse; mouse kidney parvovirus; murine chapparvovirus; parvovirus; rodent chaphamaparvovirus 1.