Three new β-triketone flavanone hybrids, cajuputones A-C were obtained from Melaleuca cajuputi (the Australian 'tea tree'). The structures of cajuputones A-C were elucidated by 1D/2D NMR spectroscopy and HR-ESI-MS analyses; and their absolute configurations were established by electric circular dichroism (ECD) calculations using TDDFT method. Structurally, cajuputones A-C feature a rare 6/6/6/6 oxatetracyclic ring system fused between an acylphloroglucinol-derived β-triketone and a pinocembrin or strobopinin moiety via an angle-type pyran-like motif. DFT-based conformational optimization in chloroform explained the similarity of the 1D NMR data of cajuputones B and C (C-2 epimers).
Keywords: Melaleuca cajuputi; natural product; structure elucidation; β-triketone flavanone hybrid.
© 2020 Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland.