This paper provides significant contributions in the line of the so-called privacy-preserving OLAP research area, via extending the previous SPPOLAP's results provided recently. SPPOLAP is a state-of-the-art algorithm whose main goal consists in computing privacy-preserving OLAP data cubes effectively and efficiently. The main innovations carried-out by SPPOLAP are represented by the novel privacy OLAP notion and the flexible adoption of sampling-based techniques in order to achieve the final privacy-preserving data cube. In line with the main SPPOLAP's results, this paper significantly extends the previous research efforts by means of the following contributions: (i) complete algorithms of the whole SPPOLAP algorithmic framework; (ii) complexity analysis and results; (iii) comprehensive experimental analysis of SPPOLAP against real-life multidimensional data cubes, according to several experimental parameters. These contributions nice-fully complete the state-of-the-art SPPOLAP's results.
Keywords: Big Data; OLAP; Privacy of Big Data; Privacy-Preserving OLAP.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.