From 1970 to 1985, 973 outbreaks of abortion in sheep and 262 outbreaks of abortion in goats from southern Spain were studied. Of these, 1.7 and 2.6% respectively were caused by leptospiras, chiefly by the serovar pomona (11 flocks of sheep, 64.7%, and six herds of goats, 75.0%) and in a lower proportion the serovars sejroe (three flocks of sheep 17.6%, and one herd of goats, 12.5%), icterohaemorrhagiae (two and one outbreaks respectively) and grippotyphosa in one ovine flock (5.8%). The mean rates of attach (X + SD) of abortions by leptospirosis have been estimated as 16.9 + 6.5% in ovine outbreaks and 20.7 + 8.3% among goats.