3D porous graphene-assisted capsulized cholesteric liquid crystals for terahertz power visualization

Opt Lett. 2020 Oct 15;45(20):5892-5895. doi: 10.1364/OL.405695.


We demonstrate a high-efficiency visualized terahertz (THz) power meter based on the THz-photothermochromism of capsulized cholesteric liquid crystals (CCLCs) embedded in three-dimensional porous graphene (3DPG). The graphene is a broadband perfect absorber for THz radiation and transfers heat efficiently, and its black background is beneficial for color measurement. Quantitative visualization of THz intensity up to 2.8×102mW/cm2 is presented. The minimal detectable THz power is 0.009 mW. With multi-microcapsule analysis, the relationship between THz power and the average hue value of CCLCs achieves linearity. The device can convert THz radiation to visible light and is lightweight, cheap, and easy to use.