Background: The assessment of the volume status in critically ill paediatric patients in intensive care units is vitally important for fluid therapy management. The most commonly used parameter for detecting volume status is still central venous pressure (CVP); however, in recent years, various kinds of methods and devices are being used for volume assessment in intensive care units.
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the relationship between CVP, the global end-diastolic index (GEDI), and ultrasound measurements of the collapsibility and distensibility indices of the inferior vena cava (IVC) in paediatric patients undergoing Pulse index Contour Cardiac Output (PiCCO) monitoring.
Methods: Fifteen patients receiving PiCCO monitoring were prospectively included in the study. Forty-nine PiCCO measurements were evaluated, and simultaneous CVP values were noted. After each measurement, IVC collapsibility (in spontaneously breathing patients) and distensibility (in mechanically ventilated patients) indices were measured with bedside ultrasound.
Results: The mean age was 93.2 ± 61.3 months. Significant and negative correlations of the GEDI were found with the IVC collapsibility index (in spontaneously breathing patients) and the IVC distensibility index (in mechanically ventilated patients) (r = -0.502, p < 0.001; r = -0.522, p = 0.001, respectively). A significant and weakly positive correlation was found between the GEDI and CVP (r = 0.346, p = 0.015), and a significant and negative correlation was found between the IVC collapsibility index and CVP (r = -0.482, p = 0.03). The correlation between the IVC distensibility index and CVP was significant and negative (r = -0.412, p = 0.04).
Conclusion: The use of PiCCO as an advanced haemodynamic monitoring method and the use of bedside ultrasound as a noninvasive method are useful to evaluate the volume status in critically ill paediatric patients in intensive care. These methods will gradually come to the fore in paediatric intensive care.
Keywords: Central venous pressure; Global end-diastolic index; Inferior vena cava indices; Paediatric; PiCCO; Volume status.
Copyright © 2020 Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.