Repetitive Sharps Ingestion and Challenges with Retrieval and Prevention

Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2020 Jul 17;7(10):001824. doi: 10.12890/2020_001824. eCollection 2020.


Introduction: Recurrent deliberate sharp foreign body ingestion is associated with frequent hospitalizations and a high risk of complications, including perforation and peritonitis. These patients require urgent care. In addition, removal of foreign bodies can be challenging.

Case description: We describe the case of a patient with borderline personality disorder who was admitted multiple times with sharps ingestion and presented challenges with her care.

Conclusion: Our case highlights the cause of recurrent sharps ingestion and provides recommendations on the retrieval of sharp foreign bodies and prevention.

Learning points: Recurrent sharps ingestion is associated with psychiatric illness.Ingested sharps can cause perforation and peritonitis, so urgent care is required.A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to care for these patients and prevent sharps ingestion in future.

Keywords: Sharps; endoscopy; ingestion; psychiatry.