Once very common in children, mumps virus infection is now much rarer thanks to vaccination, recommended in the majority of countries in the world. This virus of the family Paramyxoviridae has a marked tropism for glandular tissues which explains the great diversity of pathologies related to this virus, including parotitis, orchitis or meningitis. Due to the lower circulation of the virus, the proportion of infected adults increases. A surveillance system for mumps virus infections at the national and international levels is organized, particularly at the molecular level. In France, it is provided by the national reference center for Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Although it has led to a significant reduction in the number of cases, the long-term effectiveness of mumps vaccination is questionable. The nature of the vaccine strains and the lack of regular stimulation of populations by circulating wild viruses may explain, in part, the decrease in immunity over time. Thus, the vaccination recommandations could evolve in the future to reach eradication in a medium or long term.
Keywords: mumps virus; paramyxoviridae; parotitis; vaccination.