Objective: To investigate the prevalence of Escherchia albertii in Shanxi province. Methods: The chicken intestines were enriched in EC broth. The eae gene was detected by PCR, and the eae-positive EC enrichments were inoculated in MacConkey agar plate. The eae-positive lactose non-fermenting isolates were presumed as Escherchia albertii, and then analyzed by triplex-PCR, 16S rDNA sequencing and MLST. Results: Two suspected Escherchia albertii were isolated from 250 samples of chicken intestines. It was identified as Escherchia albertii by phenotypic, specific genes,16S rDNA sequencing, and MLST analyses. The cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB) showed positive by PCR,and they were clusted to Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅴ group by sequencing. Conclusion: This study showed that the Escherchia albertii was existed in Shanxi province, China.
目的: 了解山西省家禽中艾伯特埃希菌的带菌情况。 方法: 采集山西省不同禽类定点屠宰场鸡肠内容物经EC肉汤增菌后,PCR对其进行eae基因检测,阳性增菌液接种麦康凯琼脂,挑取不发酵乳糖菌落进行三重PCR(clpX、lysP和mdh基因)、16S rRNA基因序列分析及多位点序列分型(Multiocus sequence typing,MLST)鉴定。 结果: 本研究共采集了250份样品,经eae基因检测、生化鉴定、三重PCR检测、16S rRNA及MLST聚类分析,确定2株不发酵乳糖、木糖,无动力,eae、clpX、lysP和mdh基因阳性的菌株为艾伯特埃希菌。进一步对该2株艾伯特埃希菌毒力基因分析发现,该菌株携带Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅴ组亚型 cdtB基因,但均不携带stx基因。 结论: 本研究表明山西省鸡类中存在艾伯特埃希菌带菌的情况。.
Keywords: Escherichia albertii; Polymerase chain reaction; Sequence typing.