The goal is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoeducational program (PP) aimed at timely detection, prevention of the formation and prevention of chronicity of mental disorders in internally displaced persons (IDPs). 414 IDPs took part in the research. A complex of clinical-psychopathological, psychometric, psychodiagnostic and statistical methods were used. It was found that the group of IDPs is heterogeneous and includes 3 categories of persons: group I - IDPs without signs of mental disorders (conditionally healthy) (53,86%), group II - IDPs with individual symptoms of mental disorders (risk group) (20,05%) and group III - IDPs with established mental disorders (26,09%). The examined IDPs of the III group were found mental disorders, predominantly of the anxiety-depressive spectrum. Factors of psychic traumatization (FPT) were assessed in a dynamic aspect: retrospectively (during of staying in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone), 12 and 24 months after leaving the ATO zone and during of examination. The dynamics of FPT and their significance in time and with regard to gender specificity were shown. In order to timely identify and prevent the formation of mental disorders in IDPs and increase their adaptive capabilities, it is proposed to use PP, which had a group structured work format. The results of its approbation were presented and it were proved that the using of PP could significantly increase the level of psychological adaptation of IDPs by reducing the level of mental stress, reactive anxiety and the severity of negative perception of the future and improving the quality of life.